I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night.
Alive as you and me.
Says I, "But Joe, you re ten years dead!"
"I never died," says he.
"I never died," says he.
"In Salt Lake City, Joe," says I,
(Him standing by my bed)
"They framed you on a murder charge."
Says Joe, "But I ain t dead."
Says Joe, "But I ain t dead."
"The Copper bosses killed you, Joe,"
"They shot you, Joe," said I,
"Takes more than guns to kill a man,"
Says Joe, "I didn t die."
Says Joe, "I didn t die."
And standing there as big as life
And smiling with his eyes,
Says Joe, "What they can never kill
Went on to organize."
"Went on to organize."
"Joe Hill ain t dead," he says to me,
"Joe Hill, he never died.
"Where working men defend their rights
"Joe Hill is at their side."
"Joe Hill is at their side!"
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you and me.
Says I, "But Joe, you re ten years dead!"
"I never died," says he.
"I never died," says he.
Пришел ко мне Джо Хилл во сне,
Как будто наяву.
- Тебя ж давно на свете нет!
- Как видишь, я живу.
- В тюрьме Солт-Лейк – я говорю,
В его взглянув глаза,
- Тебя казнили поутру…
- Меня казнить нельзя.
- Ты пал от рук, - я возразил,
- Магнатов – палачей…
- Никто той пули не отлил
Для праведных речей!
И, улыбаясь, как тогда,
Когда его я знал,
Сказал мне Джо – Моих идей
Свинец не оборвал.
Они живут – и я живу
В разбуженных сердцах,
Все, кто за правду в бой идут –
Я вечно в их рядах.
Пришел ко мне Джо Хилл во сне,
Как будто наяву.
- Уж десять лет как тебя нет…
- Неправда. Я живу!