March of the Jobless Corps - Arbeitsloser Marsch - Английский и Идиш Музыка: Мордехай Гебиртиг Слова: Мордехай Гебиртиг
One two three four
Join the marching jobless corps
No work in the factories
No more men is factoring
All the tools are brocking rusted
Every wheel in window busted
Through the city streets we go
Idle as a CEO
One two three four
Join the marching jobless corps
We don't have to pay no rent
Sleeping in a camping tent
Don't step diving, don't take money
Every bike we shed ye twony (??)
Let the yoppi ef they wie (??)
Bread and water suit us fine
One two three four
Join the marching jobless corps
Work and pay union does
All this cars an other sheep
For the riches better fit
What they will give us for pay ?
Hungry, broke and thrown away
Eins zwei drei vier
Arbeistlose senen mir
Nicht gehert chadoschim lang
Ins fabrik den hammer klang
S'liegen kejlin kalt fargessen,
Wo der sschawer sej schon fressen
Gejen mir arum in gas
Wi di gwirim pust un pas
Eins zwei drei vier
Arbeitslose senen mir
Jorn lang gearbeit schwer
Und geschaft alts mehr und mehr
Hajser schleser schtejt un lender
Far a hojfele farschwebder
Undzer lojn derfar ist wos ?
Hunger nojt und arbeitslos !
One two three four
Take yourselves a pok for flours
Unenployment marching on
So we'll sing a marching song
For a land, a world of justice
In a new and better land
Eins zwei drei vier,
Rot asoj marschirn mir
Arbeitslose tritt noch tritt
Und mir singen sich a lied
Fun a land, a wajt a naje
Wo es leben mentschen fraje
Arbeitslos is kajn schum hand
In den najen frajen land !